Tuddenham St Martin VILLAGE HALL Health and Safety Policy

Statement of Intent

This health and safety policy sets out how health and safety issues are managed within Tuddenham St Martin Village Hall.


The policy applies to all employees and village hall users, and also applies to other people who work at the hall e.g. self-employed staff, temporary staff and contractors. It applies to all other people who visit the hall.


The Policy

Our statement of general policy is:

  • to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, and equipment for users of the hall or anyone employed by the hall

  • to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from activities at the village hall

  • to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Responsibilities and actions:

  • Overall responsibility for Health and Safety is held by the Village Hall Management Committee in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all applicable regulations made under the Act, and all other relevant statutory legislation, 'so far as reasonably practicable'.

  • The Chairperson has day to day responsibility for ensuring the Policy is put into practice

  • The Village Hall Management Committee has responsibility for specific areas e.g., accident reporting, first aid, training, risk assessment and training which may be designated to a ‘competent person/s’

  • It is the duty of all users of hall and anyone employed by the hall to act responsibly, taking care of their own health and safety and that of others and to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves and fellow workers.

The arrangements (systems and procedures) for health & safety

This section outlines how Tuddenham St Martin Village Hall will meet the commitments made in the statement of intent and effectively implement them. It details the measures that will be put into place to eliminate or reduce as far as is reasonably practicable the risks posed by the hazards in the hall. Risk assessments will be undertaken and the findings of these assessments will be reported to the Village Hall Management Committee for approval of actions required to remove/control risks and ensuring the actions are implemented.


A hazard is anything in the business that could cause harm to people.

A risk is the chance, however large or small, that a hazard could cause harm.



All rubbish and waste materials must be disposed of safely.

Spillages must be cleaned up as soon as is reasonably practicable.


Use of equipment, furniture and fabric of the hall

Any equipment must be kept tidy and clutter free observing electrical safety such as not overloading sockets and the avoidance of trip hazards such as trailing wires.

Electrical equipment belonging to the hall will be tested, displaying a label with the date, and a record maintained.

All other equipment will be inspected annually for signs of damage or faults.

Users of the hall must report any fault or defect in equipment of fabric of the hall to a member of the Management Committee, immediately. A contact number is given on the noticeboard inside the hall.


The Provision of First-Aid

In the event of an accident, first aid should be given with simple treatment if it is within the knowledge and capabilities of the person administering first aid.

The first aid box is kept in the kitchen.


Accident reporting and investigation

All accidents however minor, must be recorded in the accident book which is situated in the cupboard in the kitchen. More serious injuries may require reporting to the HSE under RIDDOR 1985.

All accidents involving personal injury to a member of the general public, contractors, employees and village hall users should be reported to the chairperson.


The Provision of Emergency Procedures - fire and evacuation

Individuals who have hired the hall or who are responsible for running an event in the hall must ensure that attendees are aware of the fire exits.

Hall users must ensure that there is safe and clear access and egress to the premises. These should remain free from obstructions, slipping and tripping hazards, etc, at all times.

Fire appliances must be kept clear of obstruction, serviced regularly, records maintained and used only for the purpose for which they are intended.

Only those who are trained in the use of fire fighting appliances or feel competent to do so, should attempt to tackle a fire.

Priority is always safe evacuation of the building.


Electrical equipment safety

All electrical equipment will be checked prior to being introduced into the Village Hall and regularly serviced and maintained. No unauthorised items may be used in the village hall without prior agreement from the Village Hall Management committee


Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

All users of the hall and anyone employed by the hall using hazardous substances, including cleaning materials, in the hall are required to use, handle and store them in the way prescribed by the safety data available for the product/substances. The Village Hall Management committee will be responsible for identifying all substances which need a COSHH assessment, undertake and implement all actions identified and check new substances can be used safely before being introduced.

Where possible the Village Hall Management committee will endeavour to replace hazardous chemicals with less harmful alternatives.


Violence and aggression

The Village Hall Management Committee has a zero tolerance to violence or aggression which will not be tolerated and will take action against any perpetrator/s.